Monday, December 21, 2009

7. Right or Wrong ? homework

Our teacher Sonja gave us the homework to find the errors in the few phrases below, after our practice prasentations,
these are my suggestions :)

1)the Jim Hawkins -> Jim Hawkins
2)He is lack of self-confidence -> he has no self-confidence
3)poorness -> he is poor / poverty
4)He couldn't success to be a man -> he failed to be a man
5)open the TV -> he turns on the tv
6)They behaved her very badly -> they behaved bad towards her
7)his husband(:D) -> her husband
8)grow their children -> raise their children
9)listening them -> listens to them
10)our wearings -> our clothes
11)men with similar dresses -> men with the same outfit

Friday, December 11, 2009

6. Practise Presentation

On Monday our group had it's presentation about the article “Marked Women” written by Deborah Tannen. I liked my group and our teamwork. And i liked out subject, although it was kind of difficult to present our text, since it wasn't a shortstory and there weren't any specific characters. It resembled more an academic text. So it wasn't that easy for us.
But anyways i thought our presentation was okay, thus it could have been much better.
It was a good chance for us to evaluate and citicize us before the final presentation. So we know how to do it better next time. And the feedback of the class was very helpful.
I'm looking forward to our next presentation about the film V for Vendetta. I love that movie..:)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

5. The difference between men and women

Yesterday i read an interessting and funny article in a magazine about the differences between men and women, i will try to summarize the main points :)
So we all know that there is a difference between men and women, and not just physically.
Let's look at couple of recognizable examples.
When eating out with some friends in a restaurant, woman will call each other by their real name, men however will call each other names like butt-head, Peanut- Brain, godzilla, or far worse :D
After dinner when the pill has to be paid, the men will all throw a 20$ note on the table, even if it's only 25$ to pay. And none will actually admit they want change back.
The women however will get the calculator out.

In the bathroom, men have toothpaste, a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Holiday Inn.
Women have an average of 332 items in the bathroom. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

Women worry a lot about the future untill they get married. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change but she does.

Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked ladies. Women's magazine also feature pictures of naked ladies. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is hairy and lumpy and should not be seen by the light of day.. (:D that is the part where i really had to laugh a bit)

Then there is the mirror-thing..Men are vain; they will check themselves out in the mirror. Women are ridiculous; they will check out their reflections in any shiny surface--mirrors, spoons, store windows, toasters.. When a women looks in the mirror she often sees herself chubby and ugly, she is dissatisfied with the appearance. When a men looks in the mirror, he sees a musclar, tall attractive smiling men in it ( no matter how the men looks like in real..)

When men wake up in the morning, they still look the same as when they went to bed. A women however seems to deteriorate during the night.

Soo, i think i have mentioned everything :)
I really had to laugh when i read this article:D
But thank God we're different. It would be too boring if we all were the same, wouldn't it?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

4. Amazing picture.

Photoshop has revolutionized design, photography and illustration to the point where any image that manages to capture something really amazing is quickly dismissed as fake. But, it is still possible to create jaw-dropping images without the help of a computer.
This photo named "Final Encourter" looks as it would be photoshoped in every kind of way, but it really isn't.
It was shot in december the 3rd 2006, by "werol" (
So sometimes, you just get the perfect shot by chance.. and i just wanted to share this beautiful image with you :)

3. English lesson 101

Taking english lessons in school and taking english lessons in university, has shown me in which way they differ from one another.
Eng 101 emphasize the fact that you have to
create suggestions and ideas on your own and try to develop them. You learn to work independently. The lesson gives you the necessary nudge in the right direction and you have to do the rest.
Two important things i liked to mention that our teacher Sonja showed us are blogging and sharing things with others and citing images.
I never knew how cite a picture, i often just didn't do it in presentation, but from now on i'm going to use this good advice from Sonja.
Every week we are doing new things, i learned quite a lot in such a short time, and I am enjoying our English 101 lesson and i'm looking forward to the next semester, i'm excited about what will come up to us:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2. "The Camera never lies." ??

I have found two interessting articles, about a fashion editor who is talking about faking pictures for magazines and other purposes, and i picked the most important passages out to share with you.

Susannah Frankel writes in today's Independent: The adage that 'the camera never lies' is as unreliable now as it ever was.Sure, there's PhotoShop and other means of digital manipulation, but even unretouched pictures often do not tell the complete story. Nick Knight is responsible for dozens of global advertising campaigns and fashion editorials. "People say I'm a photographer, but that doesn't sound correct to me any more," he says. "Manipulation is a slightly charged word, though, because it implies deceit. A skilled photographer totally manipulates the reality they have around them." Frankel points out that even Marilyn Monroe was airbrushed.The truth is, we love a pretty image. And Vogue (and other magazines) render celebrities practically unrecognizable because they know that humans are attracted to a thing of beauty. (In fact, early covers of Vogue were literally art.) Even in the early days of photography, a photograph never told the whole truth: It was black and white. Then there's the context and baggage we bring to images. Did anyone ever see the London police ads that pictured a black guy running and a white police officer running behind him? In today's cultural context, it was easy to assume the cop was chasing the black guy. But copy at the bottom of the ad told the true story: Both men are police officers, chasing a suspect who was cropped out of the picture. The black guy was undercover.In the end, whether we understand – or indeed trust – the mindset behind photographic post-production, the fact remains that almost every image in glossy magazines, billboard campaigns and newspapers (yes, even The Independent) is doctored in some fashion before it reaches print; whether it be a crop to zoom in on the unsightly nose of a political figure, or the removal of a pimple on a model's cheek. The adage that "the camera never lies" is as unreliable now as it ever was, and image manipulation begins long before the likes of Dangin and his ilk get their PowerMacs fired up, courtesy of the photographers themselves.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1. Development of reality TV

"In 1992, a new era was born. Cable channel producers of Music Television (better known as MTV) gave birth to a show about pre-assigned complete strangers moving in together in different parts of the United States and overseas. The brainchild became none other than the Real World. Continuous drinking and bickering enabled this show to hold a timeslot for over 15 seasons. This show planted the seeds that eventually bloomed into the phenomenon that we know and endure best as reality television."

During the first years of the twenty-first century, millions of viewers were watching participants argue, struggle, eat bugs and rats, and reveal the most intimate details of their lives. From time to time Reality TV had changed again—this time into a contest where participants competed against each other to win love or money.

Reality TV in the twenty-first century became a "new way of telling a story which [is] half fiction—the producers and creators set up a universe, they give it rules, they make a setting, they cast it according to specific guidelines as to who they think are going to provide good pyrotechnics. But then they bring in non-actors with no scripts and allow this kind of improvisation like a jazz piece to occur." (Robert Thompson)

In the past half century, American television has become more dramatic, more violent and sexually explicit. Nevertheless, many viewers still enjoy reality TV. The main reason for the popularity of the shows is that viewers identify theirself with the ordinary people who are chosen as participants and then become famous. Maybe they even see their own chance to get famous like the people these shows.

Despite their lucrativ and popular status, many analysts find current reality TV shows ethically and morally reprehensible. In additon to that, reality TV is often a poor example for teenagers, (whith whom the shows are especially popular) when they glorify characteristics such as physical beauty over spiritual strength.